A new device that looks a lot like those home ovulation and home pregnancy tests but checks sperm count will soon be available in Europe.
The test targets couples who have been trying to get pregnant for a few months, but aren't ready to seek professional help.
The product will retail for about £17. That's a lot cheaper than going in and having a full semen analysis.
While women only need to dip a test stick in their urine to see if they're pregnant or close to ovulation, the SpermCheck Fertility test requires a few more steps.
Users let the semen rest for 20 minutes, collect 100 micro liters using a pipette, and mix the semen with a detergent-containing substance known as a buffer, which releases the SP-10 protein from the sperm. Users then put a few drops of this mix into the two sample wells. Within seven minutes, the test results will appear in test windows.
To find out more about the tests follow this link: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE61O4YV20100225
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