It was the perfect, joyous advert for a Government-backed scheme linking the children of sperm donors – two daughters of the same man meeting for the first time.
But in a terrible mistake that casts new doubt on DNA profiling, it turns out they weren’t related at all...
The embrace was as heart-warming as it was remarkable. Two women from opposite ends of the globe became the first British children of an anonymous sperm donor to meet face-to-face.
Keeley Hall, from Perth, Western Australia, and Elizabeth Howard, from Cambridge, had been among the first to register with UK Donor Link, a Government-funded database set up in 2004.
Keeley Hall, from Perth, Western Australia, and Elizabeth Howard, from Cambridge, had been among the first to register with UK Donor Link, a Government-funded database set up in 2004.
However it has now been revealed that the two women are not related at all. In a terrible and distressing mistake, UKDL brought two entirely unrelated women together and told them they were sisters.
Even worse, according to Keeley, the organisation had arranged for the two women to become the ‘poster girls’ for the programme.
Unsurprisingly, Elizabeth and Keeley, who are both 37, are deeply distressed by the development.
To find out more about this story follow this link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1252590/Despair-DNA-sisters-In-terrible-mistake-casts-new-doubt-DNA-profiling-turns-werent-related-all.html
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