The 37-year-old singer once puffed his way through 60 cigarettes a day, but has now slashed his intake to 10, and hopes to quit completely in the next few weeks. He is reportedly giving up nicotine because his fiancée Ayda Field is worried it will affect his fertility.
Ayda has also put Robbie on a strict exercise regime to ensure he is in good shape for their upcoming wedding. She has reportedly forced the singer to hire a trainer so he can shed the pounds he has piled on in recent years. She hopes a new toned physique will inspire Robbie to finally set a wedding date, something he has been resisting.
Robbie asked Ayda to marry him in January and is said to be considering tying the knot on Valentine’s Day next year.
For more on this story follow this link: http://www.musicrooms.net/showbiz/4053-Robbie-Williams-Quitting-Smoking-Improve-Sperm-Count.html
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