A lawyer in Minnesota has been specialising for nearly two decades in reproductive assistance.
Steven Snyder has made this area of law into a niche practice, and has helped many would be parents to achieve their dream within the security of the law.
Snyder believes much of the law surrounding reproductive assistance must be updated as there are many loopholes which cause problems.
He uses the example of sperm donation, where the law insulating donors from parentage only applies when the donation is given to married couples. But 60 percent of the people using sperm donations today are single women, or same-sex couples who are not married.
Snyder believes many who embark on the journey of fertility assistance are not aware of the implications and problems that could arise from the inadequacy of the current law.
For more details of Snyder's work follow this link: http://www.finance-commerce.com/article.cfm/2010/01/20/Local-lawyer-has-developed-a-fertile-niche-area-Snyder-guides-wouldbe-parents-through-assisted-repro
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